Saturday 12 January 2013

February Festivals

I'll be quite busy next month: not one, but TWO festivals to attend (and my friendly local SF convention too, if I can find the time).

One of the festivals is also local: Animated Exeter has been running since 1999 and is now one of the biggest animation festivals in the country. There will be all sorts of screenings and workshops going on Exeter from the 18th - 24th February, as well as a schools programme.

I've been asked to write a short story for the Festival, and I've come up with something called The Exeter Riddles, in which a boy has to try to stop the time slip which is causing bits of the city's past to leak into the present.  It was initially inspired by some of the saints and gargoyles carved on the elaborate front of Exeter cathedral, but the time-slip idea allowed me to pack in other bits of local history too, from the Romans to the Blitz.  The story is being used as the basis for some of the workshops, and as the jumping-off point for a live-action game to be played in various sites around the city.  And on Saturday the 23rd my friend and Seawigs co-author Sarah McIntyre will be joining me for a character design session and comics jam at the Phoenix Arts Centre in the city.  

Meanwhile in London the Imagine children's festival will be running at the South Bank from the 11th to the 24th, and Sarah and I will be part of that too: our Monsters vs Goblins Drawing Battle will be on Sunday 17th, details here.

And back in Exeter (if you're still with me?) MicroCon will be taking place on the 23rd and 24th at Exeter University.  I was a guest at this small SF convention last year, and it was great; highly recommended if you are in the area. I shall drop in if I can, but unfortunately it clashes with my Animated Exeter duties, so I may be elsewhere. You can find out more about it at the MicroCon Facebook Page.

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