As usual, Sarah McIntyre's blog has gone half way around the world before mine has got its boots on, so here's a link to
her account of our adventures in Oxford last Saturday. As you can see, we completely delighted these young Seawigs fans with our gorgeous singing...
Photo: Jo Cotterill |
Also, for those who prefer weird contraptions to wigs, we got to have a go on Ted Dewan's amazing Story Loom at the Oxford Story Museum - here's author Philip Ardagh at the controls....
Photo: that Sarah McIntyre |
And here's the full story of the Loom...
Random question with no relevance to the post- Are you ever going to write anymore young adult books? I really enjoyed the Predator Cities series and the Larklight books (My favorite book by far! I find that it is quite underestimated ); ). I enjoyed them specifically because they are appropriate for a ten year old, but it's also fine for a fourteen year old. Or an adult in many cases! Please do not misinterpret my request for an obnoxious american scree whiny noise, but I would really like some new content for your tween/teen/older people audiences (For I have re-read the Mortal Engines books six times the Larklight books over twelve times :/)
whispers im still waiting for you to come to the united states to sign my books rolls away
Hello! I got a bit sick of writing the older stuiff, so working on these younger books with McIntyre has been just what I needed. They're not nearly as complex as my earlier books, but I hope older readers could enjoy them too. I do also have a new novel under way, which is closer in scale and tone to Mortal Engines and Fever Crumb, though set in a completely different world. It will be published in 2015 in the UK - I'm not sure about the US release yet. (There are some more details in the next post, but I don't want to talk about it too much this far ahead of publication.) Thanks for reading!
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