Just back from a few days in Manchester, where Sarah McIntyre and I were guests of the very wonderful
Manchester Children's Book Festival. We met lots of wonderful people, some of them knitted by
Ann Lam, who has been turning out sea monkeys by the dozen. Here's Sarah posing with Zombie Sea Monkey and French Sea Monkey...

While I was away, a couple of recent interviews have appeared online.
Here's a Q&A I did with Dan Metcalf for StoryWorld, in which I talk about
Goblins, Cakes in Space and how working with SM has revived my enthusiasm for writing. He asks a very good question which I've never been asked before: 'Do you actually
like writing?'

And I discuss similar topics here, in an interview with
Natasha Ngan, author of
The Elites and also the forthcoming
The Memory Keepers. I also get to recommend a few favourite reads. You can
check out the interview here.
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