More WoME Art

Here's a nice thing:  Sarah McIntyre, last seen buying a copy of Fever Crumb at the Edinburgh Book Festival the other week, has done an illustration of Fever in her own inimitable style, and I think it's rather lovely...  also, apart from the circular head, a very accurate representation of what I wrote.  You can even see the scar on the back of her head!  Look out for an interview with Sarah on The Solitary Bee soon.

Meanwhile, I've been trying to do some WoMeArt of my own, since I've agreed to produce some illustrations to go with the World Book Day book that comes out next year (It was going to be called Traction City Blues, but apparently the word 'Blues' isn't 'child-friendly', so it's just going to be published as Traction City now.  Grumble.)

The pictures will be black and white, of course, but I've tried working one or two up in colour just to see if I can still paint (I can't really.)  Anyway, here's the black and white portrait of a sinister Engineer and his sinister friend (only I don't quite like the way that flex meets the line of his head, so it will have to be changed or done again) and a coloured-in picture of a young and grumpy Anna Fang who's got herself arrested by the London police.  When I first wrote about her in Mortal Engines and mentioned streaks of white in her hair I assumed they were there because she was getting old, but when David Wyatt drew Young Anna for our ill-fated Mortal Engines Comic project he left one in, and I think he was right to do so, so I've followed his lead.