I hope you're all enjoying the festive season. Here on Dartmoor it's been raining harder than I think I've ever seen it rain before, but we didn't care, because we had
Sarah McIntyre and her husband Stuart to stay over Christmas. We managed to get a few walks in between downpours...
...although it looked a bit apocalyptic out there at times...
Photo by Sarah McIntyre |
...and when it was too wet to go out, we whiled away the time by drawing comics.
Sam's favourite artist is
Jamie Smart, who does the brilliant
Bunny vs Monkey strip in the
Phoenix comic, and is also the author of the
Find Chaffy books.
Sam even found an actual cuddly Chaffy in his Christmas stocking this year. So when we started doing a comics jam (that's like comics consequences - everyone takes turns to do a panel) he decided Chaffy should be the main character. Here's the result...
Hurrah! That was SO MUCH FUN.
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